BPDB is generation and distribution of electricity system.

The Bangladesh Power Development Board is a government agency operating under the Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh.This government organization is responsible for planning and developing the nation's power infrastructure and for operating much of its power generation facilities. The BPDB is responsible for the major portion of generation and distribution of electricity mainly in urban areas of the country.
Business Goal:
Through this software, the organization has achieved a digital service delivery platform from which they’ll be able to manage all the contracts and payments of the contractors. Previously, Bangladesh Power Development Board used to get reports through a manual process and thus the process was lengthy, complicated and also expensive.
The BPDP CMS is a contract management system where the user can see and manage all the contracts of the department. The software is built for Bangladesh Power Development Board which helps them manage and monitor all the contracts and the contractors.
Functional Requirement
Below we have written the functional requirements along with some major screenshots of the software system.
Web Portal
For dashboard, Reports and system administration, there will be a web portal. The portal has to be light weight and compatible for all popular browsers.
Login Page
After hitting the domain name in the web browser, the user will get the login page. Users are pre-registered into the system with the allowed permissions specific to the authority into the organization. After successful login, the user will get his dashboard. The data transferred to the server from the web browser in encrypted format through a secured socket layer.
User Dashboard
Users are going to get a custom dashboard according to the permissions given to them. They will be able to see the list of the contracts along with the ongoing and completed contracts list. Summary of all items including various presentations in various charts and graphical images will also be available in the user dashboard upon the permission of the feature list.
The user will get to see the list of the contracts along with the project name and more other detailed information as well. There will be an individual list of draft contracts, ongoing contracts and final contracts. The user will be able to see the list according to the permission set by the administrators.
The user will be able to see a list of all the companies working in various contracts and projects. They will also get the detailed information of each contractor for example TIN no, BIN no etc. The user can create and enter a new company into the system from this platform. The user will also get an advantage to ban any company if they violate any rules. The banned company will be listed as debarred contractors in the system.
The users will be able to see a list of all the consultants of the companies/contractors they have worked with. They will also get their detailed info from that list. The user can also enter a new consultant into the system by creating a new consultant for which he has to fill a form where he needs to fill the required field.
The user will be able to see all the projects running under the contracts. The status of the project along with details and edit options will also be there. The user can see the details of the project or edit the project's info according to the permission set by the administrator.
Bank Guarantee
The user can upload a bank guarantee as a guarantee of the contractor into the system. It will include the detailed information along with the scanned copy of the documents. For bank guarantee the user will get a notification for the expiration date of the bank guarantee.